

Polonca Lovšin at the Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3 in the Moderna galerija in Ljubljana 10th Triennial of Contemporary Art – U3 | Against the Stream of Time21. 6. 2024—17. 11. 2024Moderna galerija / Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana We are excited that Polonca...


WE PLANT THE FOREST, THE FOREST IS PLANTING US! Call for participation in the reforestation of the Pešter Plateau What: International volunteer reforestation of the Pešter Plateau and production of the film It Rains DifferentlyWhere: Pešter Plateau, close to Sjenica,...


Forest Encounters‘ artists participate in the exhibition WILD SPOTS at <rotor> in Graz WILD SPOTS: Enforesting Ourselves in the Urban World 7. 6.– 3. 8. 2024 + 26. 8.– 19. 10. 2024Exhibition opening: Friday, June 7, 2024, 18:00–24:00Opening ceremony:...


Forest Encounters Glossary is in writing mode: Workshop in Graz Photos by Nayari Castillo During a three-day exploring workshop, the Forest Encounters Glossary starts to take shape. In search of words that define sensitive ways to approach the forest, participants...


Workshop in Topolò / Topolove   on the expansion of the forest onto the formerly agricultural terraces around the village Within the context of this three-day workshop (18.–20. 4. 2024), landscape architecture students from the Biotechnical Faculty of the University...


CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS Forest Encounters: short stories, flash fiction, poetry, essays Polonca Lovšin, We Can’t See the Forest for the Trees, 2019 (detail) We are looking for representations of different encounters with the forest from both human and non-human...