Defenders of the Arneo Forest

During summer 2024, a group from TU Graz and the Reagenz – both partners in the Forest Encounters project – visited the defenders of the Arneo forest in the ecological compound of Fatizza while roaming around the forests of southern Italy as part of the Simultaneous Arrivals (Simularr) project on novel forms of collaborative practices.

This incredible old-growth forest is one of the last in the region of Apulia in southern Italy, and it is being systematically threatened with extinction. The Porsche automobile company constructed a large racing track around the area which has operated for several years. Although the 200-hectare territory is protected under EU Natura 2000, the luxury automobile company bypassed local and international authorities with plans to construct nine new racing tracks. The defenders of the Arneo forest are a community of several NGOs and independent eco-producers that stand against this threat of ecological destruction. We were excited to learn about their work, support their fight, and act in solidarity with their cause.
During autumn 2024, Oliver Ressler, a dear colleague, artist, and activist started a filmographic project documenting activities of the defenders of the Arneo Forest. We are looking forward to see more of this incredible journey.
>> Local Groups: Custodi del Bosco d’Arneo
Photographs by Nayari Castillo.